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Homemade Apple
Cider Vinegar

Infographic to teach learners how to make their own homemade apple cider vinegar


This infographic is a tool to help people make their own apple cider vinegar at home. The goal of this infographic is to provide a concise and helpful visual tool to walk through the simple steps of making ones own vinegar from apple scraps from all those apple picking adventures undertaken in the fall. 


Audience: Anyone wondering if there's any way to use up all those apples. 

Process and Development

As someone who regularly undertakes kitchen projects like this, I acted as my own subject matter expert. I did elicit the feedback of friends who have never made their own vinegar at home to make sure that the information provided was easily understandable and practical to use. This allowed me to tailor the information into an easily understandable and actionable visual for anyone seeking to make their own kitchen concoction at home.


Since I am someone who has done this at home many times, I know that this process doesn't have a real "recipe" in that there are specific amounts of ingredients that go into this. You use what you have, and this can be done with as few as a few apples to a few bushels of apples. Large jars, small jars, lots of apples, a few apples--the basics are the same. You need a jar, apples, a little sugar to feed the fermentation, and water to help make the magic. I felt this infographic served better than trying to create a prescribed recipe. The visual itself guides the learner to essentially "make it look like this", and provides written instructions at the bottom for time frames to allow the mixture to sit.


I used Canva to create the overall graphic and setup. This program allows me to quickly design multiple versions, make edits, and incorporate any feedback on the fly as needed. The graphic interface is very user friendly and comes with thousands of preset templates and assets that allow for quick development of projects like this infographic.  


This project challenged me to create a helpful and direct infographic to aid beginners in making their own apple cider vinegar. I worked with various people with different knowledge and understanding of the process to provide a genuinely useful visual aid that provides actionable steps to make this product at home. Not only is the information helpful, but that overall result is visually appealing, engaging, and makes what could be a somewhat intimidating recipe more accessible. 

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